Friday, September 18, 2009

Not in Charge?

Why do I decide to name my blog "Not in Charge"? Am I a disgruntled person who should be in charge, or a disillusioned person who has decided to go into hiding because I am not in charge of much, and the much I am in charge of I don't want to be in charge of?
No. Not in Charge is what I need to embroider over a prayer shawl I'd place on my lap so I'd remember when I bow my head that I am not in Charge - that prayer is more about putting myself under God's lead than deciding for Him what he ought to do. I don't listen very well, so this has been a practice for several years. Sometimes I think it's pretty funny, sometimes it breaks my heart.
So if there is anyone else out there that needs to have the same prayer shawl, join my Not in Charge club, and let's learn to listen together.

1 comment:

  1. I love the concept, I would love to join your club and help you with your prayer shawl.
